Is Your Website Mobile-Ready?

If It’s Not You NEED To Read This!

There’s no more denying that the smartphone and mobile web are now part of everyday life for most people. No matter where you look, whether you’re in your car on the way to work or enjoying a great night at your favorite restaurant, smartphones are absolutely everywhere.

Numbers Don’t Lie

In fact, most of studies we researched have shown, that the typical person using their smartphone checks their phone up to 245 times a day. Smartphone usage is expected to soar above 3 billion users sometime in 2017. Meaning that over a half of the world’s population will be using a smartphone by the end of the year.

Are You A Business Owner?

This is really destructive for business owners. The rapid arrival of smartphones has come a gigantic need for mobile websites and mobile compatibility. Study’s show that more than 60% of smartphone users are using their phones to make purchases, and over half of all mobile web-searches lead to a sale. Above all else, the simplicity and user friendliness of your website will be the key component to its success on mobile devices. Users are turning to mobile devices to help streamline the amount of time it takes them to find something on the web. Make sure your website is helping, not hindering their efforts.

Make Your Website Mobile Friendly Today!

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